Application Feedback

Feedback can be valuable in helping organisations strengthen future grant funding proposals. The Government offers feedback on grant applications that is relevant to the specific funding rounds and proportional to the complexity of the assessment process and total funding available. Applicant feedback comprises round-specific feedback summaries and, in some cases, individual feedback.

Feedback Summaries

Feedback summaries for open funding rounds will be published on the Community Grants Hub website to provide all organisations with easy to access information about the assessment process and the main strengths and areas for improving their applications. 

Feedback summaries will include information about:

  • the strengths of highly rated proposals
  • how applicants used evidence to demonstrate their capability against selection criteria
  • ways proposals could be strengthened
  • other relevant considerations, such as over-subscription and ineligibility rates.

Organisations will be advised about the publication of feedback summaries when they are notified of the outcome of a grant process.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The Healthy MaTE grant opportunity is a prevention project and is intended is to help provide school-aged boys and young men with greater understanding of ways to have healthy relationships with masculinity, as w


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisations by enabling the inclusion of vulnerable people and promoting awareness to increase participation in volunteering.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The disability employment advocacy and information program (the advocacy program) will provide people with high support needs, their families and carers, with access to advocacy support and information to build their confidence and understanding about their rights and options at work.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

First Nations Playgroups will act as a key engagement activity for First Nations families, improve the early development and wellbeing of First Nations children, improve parent-child relationships and increase feelings of belonging and connection to family, community and culture.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

The Capacity Building grants will support farmers to increase their awareness, knowledge and skills of best practice climate-smart sustainable agriculture approaches. Round 1 will provide up to $9 million (GST exclusive) over 4 years from 2024–25 to 2027–28.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

This grant supports the establishment of new long-rotation plantation forests and assists the sector in responding to the projected growth in demand for local timber resources, increasing domestic timber supply and helping to reduce Australia’s carbon emissions by storing the carbon in timber.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

This grant opportunity seeks an organisation to undertake a national FDSV workforce survey. To build sector capacity to support people who experience gender based violence, there needs to be an understanding of the nature, size and current capabilities of the workforce.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

This grant opportunity seeks to engage a specialist organisation to develop education and awareness raising materials targeted at workers delivering support to older people in their home. This will enable workers to provide high quality support and intervention where there are instances of FDSV.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The purpose of this grant is to fund a large multicultural organisation to engage and train CALD communities and faith leaders to take a role in changing attitudes in their community to prevent FDSV and work alongside specialist FDSV services.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

The Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) program supports the role of ex-service organisation (ESO) wellbeing and compensation advocates, who provide advice and assistance to the veteran and defence communities.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The Increasing Capacity of Crisis Accommodation Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Program will provide funding to support urgent attention to increase the capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander shelter and accommodation services, especially in regional and remote areas.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

This grant opportunity seeks to engage an organisation (or consortia of organisations) over an 18-month pilot period to undertake an assessment of eligibility and make subsequent referrals to the STPP for eligible vic


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The Disability Employment Expos grant will run for 12 months over 2023–24 to 2024–25, with up to $1.44 million available. The expos will provide people with high support needs because of their disability, and their families and carers, with information about employment supports and pathways, as well as the opportunity to connect with employers to hear about specific employment opportunities.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The Structural Adjustment Fund will run from 2023–24 to 2025–26 over 2 rounds, with up to $20 million available in this round. Projects will facilitate the evolution of the supported employment sector in line with the guiding principles for the future of supported employment.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The SEDI Grants Administrator will provide capability building grants of up to $120,000 (GST exclusive) to support eligible social enterprises to grow their impact.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

The grant program aims to improve access for industry-identified priority uses of agricultural and veterinary (agvet) chemicals.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Home Affairs

The SETS program is an early intervention, national settlement program that supports humanitarian entrants and other eligible vulnerable migrants to achieve full participation in society as soon as possible by facilitating connections with mainstream services and the broader community.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The Disability Representative Organisations (DRO) grant opportunity will run from 2024–25 to 2025–26. The DRO grant opportunity will provide $10.658 million (GST exclusive) over 2 years ($5.329 million per year) to organisations to provide systemic advocacy for Australians with disability.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The Inclusion Round provides capital grants to fund the building, renovation or purchase of new emergency accommodation for women & children experiencing violence. The Round will focus on First Nations women & children, women & children from a CALD backgrounds, and women & children with disability.


Delivered on behalf of

Attorney-General’s Department

The National Justice Reinvestment Program aims to reduce contact with the criminal justice system and incarceration rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults and young people through support for place-based and community-led justice reinvestment initiatives across Australia.


Delivered on behalf of

Attorney-General’s Department

This opportunity aims to prevent and reduce contact with the justice system for First Nations adults and young people through place-based, community-led crime prevention initiatives, measures relating to treatment of drug and alcohol addiction, or diversionary measures relating to illegal drug use.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The Information, Linkages and Capacity Building program provides funding to organisations to deliver projects in the community to help all Australians with disability, their families and carers benefit from more inclusive, accessible and connected communities.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The Information, Linkages and Capacity Building program provides funding to organisations to deliver projects in the community to help all Australians with disability, their families and carers benefit from more inclusive, accessible and connected communities.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

This grant opportunity will support Australian Marine Park users, particularly First Nations peoples, to maintain Traditional Owners cultural knowledge and sites; enhance their capacity to engage in marine park management; support evidence-based decision making; and improve ecosystem health.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

The purpose of the grant program is to support veterans seeking to start in tertiary education by supporting Australian universities to provide several initiatives to enable a smoother transition from ADF service.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

The purpose of the Program is to provide practical and long-lasting advice and support for employers with a view to facilitating increased veteran employment opportunities.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Education

The Destination Australia grant opportunity aims to attract and support international and domestic students to study in regional Australia; increase the sustainability and growth of regional tertiary education providers and communities and offer students a high quality learning experience in regional Australia.

Please note this application process is for eligible tertiary education providers only and is not for students who wish to apply for a scholarship in 2024.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

This grant supports the establishment of new long-rotation plantation forests and assists the sector in responding to the projected growth in demand for local timber resources, increasing domestic timber supply and helping to reduce Australia’s carbon emissions by storing the carbon in timber.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Education

The Grant Opportunity aims to assist eligible early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers to establish new centre based day care and family day care services. It is targeted to disadvantaged communities in regional and remote areas to give children greater access to quality ECEC.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Education

This program will deliver 100 scholarships to students from regional, rural and remote communities to assist with the cost of boarding. This grant opportunity is a targeted competitive process, with the objective of selecting one or multiple organisations to administer the scholarship program.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Home Affairs

The objective of the grant opportunity is to facilitate the participation, integration and social cohesion of both newly arrived migrants and multicultural communities in Australia.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

The PET Fund aims to support implementation of a range of workplace reforms and Jobs and Skills Summit outcomes by strengthening tripartism and constructive social dialogue in the Australian workplace relations system.
The expected outcomes of the PET Fund grant program are to:
* support and increase engagement by employers’ and workers’ representatives, and their members, through enhanced tripartite governance structures across the workplace relations portfolio. This will include more active advice and consultation roles on possible future reforms
* enable recipients to develop and implement workplace productivity, education and training initiatives to support their members to engage in law reform processes
* encourage take up of current and new laws in their workplaces, and to monitor and provide feedback regarding the implementation of law reforms.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The National Disability Conference Initiative provides funding of up to $10,000 to conference organisers to help people with disability participate in nationally-focused, disability-related, conferences held in Australia.


Delivered on behalf of

Attorney-General’s Department

This grant aims to support and fund activities to actively prevent and combat all forms of modern slavery in Australia. In Australia, modern slavery refers to a range of serious exploitative practices, including trafficking in persons, slavery, slavery-like practices (eg forced labour, servitude, debt bondage, forced marriage) and the worst forms of child labour.
Funding for this grant opportunity will be provided under 2 streams:
• Stream 1: Combating Modern Slavery
• Stream 2: Research.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Veteran's Affairs

The Grants in Aid 2023–24 program is only open to national ex-service organisations (ESOs) by invitation, and aims to fund discrete projects or activities by national ESOs that address a specific problem or issue and achieve a clear benefit to the ex-service and Defence community.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The IMR program aims to redesign service models to better support First Nations families with multiple and complex needs.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

The Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program aims to commemorate the service and sacrifice of Australia’s defence personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and their families.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Home Affairs

The Australian Government is inviting organisations, in a closed non-competitive process, to apply to receive support under the Local Multicultural Projects Program. This initiative will invest in community organisations and infrastructure.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

This grant will contribute to uplifting the agriculture sector’s data capabilities to consistently report against sustainability frameworks and meet emerging international requirements and standards.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

The Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) program supports the role of ex-service organisation (ESO) wellbeing and compensation advocates, who provide advice and assistance to the veteran and defence communities.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

The Pilot will be trialled over a 12-month period with Tourism Local Navigators focusing on building the capacity of small and medium sized (SME) tourism businesses to address barriers to recruiting, retaining and promoting jobseekers with disability.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

The program will fund projects that contribute to improved drought resilience with investigations that explore innovative approaches to farm productivity and natural capital. The results aim to guide and promote wider adoption of practices, systems, and approaches across farming sectors.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

This program will provide a total of $110 million over 4 years from 2022–23 to 2025–26 for projects to support wood processing facilities to adopt innovative practices to improve their use of available wood supplies, increase their production facilities and add value to existing product lines. These projects could also contribute to helping reduce the industry’s carbon footprint.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

These Grants will provide up to $1.1M (GST exclusive) per Round, for Ranger organisations with fee-for-service arrangements to undertake capability building activities and purchase equipment and training to enhance their ability to do biosecurity work.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

This opportunity seeks to create sustainable employment opportunities through community-led infrastructure projects in the locations of Ceduna in South Australia, East Kimberley and the Goldfields in Western Australia and Cape York in Queensland.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Home Affairs

For this grant opportunity, $2.5 million GST exclusive is available for the 2022–23 financial year.
• The minimum grant amount is $10,000 GST exclusive.
• The maximum grant amount is $100,000 GST exclusive.
You can only submit one application form per organisation in each state or territory. This includes applications from joint consortia.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Social Services

Volunteer Grants form part of the Government’s work to support volunteers, as well as to encourage and increase participation in volunteering. The grants provide small amounts of money that organisations and community groups can use to help their volunteers.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

This grant opportunity will contribute to the development of innovative and practicable proposals to increase the use of Regulatory Technology (RegTech) along agricultural supply chains. Research and insights will demonstrate how to leverage RegTech to enhance agricultural traceability reforms.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

For this grant opportunity, up to $5 million GST exclusive is available over 5 years, from 2022–23 to 2026–27, to fund organisations to equip and encourage more women across the political spectrum to run for public office at local, state and federal levels.


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

A grant program to drive the adoption of proven and existing (Australian and international) research and development (R&D) practices and technologies that assist farmers in building drought resilience.