The Try, Test and Learn Fund: Mentoring to Work Project

Grant Category Transition to Work
Grant Status Closed
Delivered on behalf of
Selection process
State/Territory National
Closing Date/Time

The Mentoring to Work trial project pairs young parents and young former students at risk of long term unemployment with a volunteer mature mentor in work or with strong business and workplace connections to guide and support them through the employment process (job search, job readiness, job placement and sustaining work). The young people will be segmented into two cohorts: the general group cohort and a smaller cohort of those with high support needs as identified by community service organisation case managers.

Mentoring sessions will occur weekly for six months and each session will be centred on a theme pertinent to gaining employment. The first hour of each session will be a group session with mentors, mentees, relevant community services, employment service organisations and employers where the knowledge from all parties is shared openly, and the second hour will comprise more intensive, short one-on-one mentoring that translates the knowledge into practical action towards getting the individual young person ready for and into employment.

The trial project employs a partnership model to create and leverage an ecosystem of support to holistically address the diverse range of barriers and challenges faced by young people in attaining and maintaining employment. This ecosystem of support includes employers, employer peak bodies, corporate volunteering bodies, community service organisations, employment services, child care peak bodies, government agencies and intermediary agencies that work between community services and business.

More information

More information about the services under the Try, Test and Learn Fund: Mentoring to Work Project  and their delivery, as well as requirements for applicants, can be found in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

Other grant opportunity documents are only accessible by invited applicants, on the GrantConnect website.

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Contacting the Community Grants Hub

If you would like assistance please call the Community Grants Hub Hotline on 1800 020 283 and/or [email protected].

More information about the Community Grants Hub can be found at the Community Grants Hub website.

Please quote 2017-1966 Try, Test and Learn Fund: Mentoring to Work Project when you phone or email the Community Grants Hub.