The Try, Test and Learn Fund: In-School Parent Employment Services Project

Grant Category Transition to Work
Grant Status Closed
Delivered on behalf of
Selection process
State/Territory National
Closing Date/Time

The In-School Parent Employment Services Project is targeted to young parents who receive income support aged 25 or under and who started receiving parenting payments when they were 19 or under. The project will work by integrating personalised, demand-led employment services into two primary schools. The project will work with and complement existing jobactive and ParentsNext services. It will entail in-school advocacy and support, some career advice and 'soft skills', childcare and warm referral to jobactive and ParentsNext. Warm referrals will include a personal advisor building a relationship with participants and then managing their introduction to other services as a trusted person. The project will also involve developing a jobs pipeline which matches the training of participants with needs identified by local employers (demand-led training as modelled previously by VTEC) and working with jobactive providers to place jobseekers from the target group. This project will be unique in integrating employment services in school for warm referrals and a 'one stop shop'.

More information

More information about the services under the Try, Test and Learn Fund: In-School Parent Employment Services Project and their delivery, as well as requirements for Applicants can be found in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

Other grant opportunity documents are only accessible by invited Applicants on the GrantConnect website.

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Please quote 2017-1960 - Try, Test and Learn Fund: In-School Parent Employment Services Project when you phone or email the Community Grants Hub.