National Landcare Program: Smart Farms Small Grants Round 4

The Australian Government is inviting applications for projects to deliver services under the National Landcare Program – Smart Farms Small Grants Round 4.
Smart Farms Small Grants is an open, competitive, grant opportunity to support projects to increase farming, forestry and fishing communities’ awareness, knowledge, skills and capacity to adopt best practice sustainable agriculture.
The purpose of Smart Farms Small Grants is to support land manager practice change that will deliver more sustainable, productive and profitable food, fibre and forestry business while protecting Australia’s biodiversity; protecting and improving the condition of natural resources; and assisting Australia meet its international obligations.
The purpose will be achieved by supporting projects that contribute to achieving one or both of the program outcomes outlined below:
- Outcome 1 – Increased adoption of best practice sustainable agriculture
- Outcome 2 – Increase the capacity of land managers to adopt best practice sustainable agriculture
A total of $43.5 million (GST exclusive) is available for Smart Farms Small Grants over six years (2017–18 to 2022–23).
- The first round opened for applications in October 2017 from which, the then Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources approved 77 projects totalling $4.75 million (GST exclusive).
- The second round opened for applications in November 2018 from which the then Minister for Agriculture approved 110 projects totalling $9.246 million (GST exclusive).
- The third round opened for applications in October 2019 from which the Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management approved 113 projects totalling $5.03 million (GST exclusive).
- This grant opportunity is the fourth round.
More information
More information about the National Landcare Program: Smart Farms Small Grants Round 4 as well as requirements for applicants, can be found in the following grant opportunity documents:
- Grant Opportunity Guidelines
- Questions and Answers
- Sample Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement with General Grant Conditions
- Sample Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement Supplementary Terms
- Budget template
Subscribe to receive updates
Organisations and individuals interested in Community Grants Hub grant rounds are encouraged to subscribe to receive alerts when new information is made available.
Other future grant opportunities are published on GrantConnect, the Australian Government grants information system.
Contacting the Community Grants Hub
If you would like assistance, please call the Community Grants Hub Hotline on 1800 020 283 (option1) or email [email protected].
More information about the Community Grants Hub can be found on the Community Grants Hub website.
Please quote 2019-3861 - National Landcare Program: Smart Farms Small Grants Round 4 when you phone or email the Community Grants Hub.