National Landcare Program: Smart Farms Small Grants Round 2

Australia’s soils, water, vegetation and biodiversity underpin the productivity and sustainability of agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries. But these natural resources are under threat. Pressures on Australia’s natural resources can limit the viability and productivity of food and fibre businesses. The Australian Government’s National Landcare Program aims to protect, conserve and provide for the productive use of Australia’s water, soil, plants and animals and the ecosystems in which they live and interact, in partnership with industry, communities and other governments.
As the managers of around 61 per cent of the Australian landmass, farmers have an essential role in protecting and rehabilitating natural resources. Natural resources management practices that improve and protect the condition of soil, water, vegetation and biodiversity also assist farming, forestry and fishing industries to adapt to significant changes in climate, weather and markets.
The principal component of the National Landcare Program administered by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is Smart Farms. Smart Farms will run to 2022–23. It is made up of three elements:
- Smart Farming Partnerships—will invest $55 million through two rounds of competitive grants into medium to large scale projects to encourage the development, trial and roll-out of innovative tools and farm practices.
- Smart Farms Small Grants—is a $55 million competitive small grants program over several rounds to support the adoption of best practices that improves the management and quality of our natural resources and increases on-farm productivity.
- Building Landcare Community and Capacity—will invest $24 million to support the sharing of knowledge and achievements, and promote community leadership.
More information
More information about the National Landcare Program - Smart Farms Small Grants, as well as requirements for applicants can be found in the following documents that form the Grant Opportunity:
- Grant Opportunity Guidelines
- Questions and Answers (Please note that these will be updated with stakeholder questions until 11:30pm AEDT 4 January 2018. After this time there will be no further inquiry on the round.)
- Application form
- Budget Template
- Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement Terms and Conditions
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Contacting the Community Grants Hub
If you would like assistance please call the Community Grants Hub Hotline on 1800 020 283 and/or [email protected].
More information about the Community Grants Hub can be found at the Community Grants Hub website.
Please quote 2018 - 2277 National Landcare Program - Smart Farms Small Grants when you phone or email the Community Grants Hub.